Contact Us

We would like to hear from you.

El Paso Center For Children, Inc.

Counseling & Life Skills: 915.565.5021
Victims of Crime: 915.565.5021
Family Resource Center: 915.565.5021
Strong Families: 915.307.8043
Early Childhood Services: 915.500.4105

Youth Outreach/Housing: 915.330.9513
Emergency Shelter (11-17 years): 915.562.4765

Foster Care: 915.259.6382

Main Office:
2200 N. Stevens Street, El Paso, TX 79930
Fax: (915) 565-0621
Email Us

If you are in an emergency or life-threatening situation dial, 911.

If you are in a suicidal, mental health, and/or substance use crisis, dial 988 for 24/7 free and confidential support.

If you have questions, comments, suggestions or concerns please fill out the form below. Thank you!

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Please note: Any information sent via contact form is kept confidential and only used for its intended purpose. We will never share, sell or otherwise provide non-public information to others without your consent.